Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Kingdom Hearts on PSP petition

A short while ago, i took the initiative to start a online petition to get Square Enix to start developing Kingdom hearts onto the PSP. Heres some of the information.

Email i sent to Square Enix

"Firstly i would like to say hello to all the staff at Square Enix. I have recently started a online petition to get the good staff at Square Enix to start development of Kingdom Hearts onto the PSP. As a person who is very much involved with the PSP community, we all felt as a whole that this game is a must on the Playstation Portable.

Heres the petition information-
Kingdom Hearts on PSP petition

I'm hoping to get over 20,000 signatures. If i do i would hope for some sort of response from Square Enix.


Rafael Bernard"

Now heres the Petition information
Link- http://www.petitiononline.com/a137d425/petition.html

I'm hoping to get at least 20,000 signatures. This would mean that i will need the cooperation of the entire PSP scene as a whole and i would hope that other sites will also add this to there news sites as well.

gives you something to do while im fixing the site :)